Tuesday, July 07, 2020

What's New in C# 8?

One Minute Answer: 

C# 8 was released in September 2019. It has come with a lot of good features.
  • Default Interface Methods
  • Property Pattern
  • Type Pattern
  • Tuple Pattern
  • Using declaration
  • Null-coalescing assignment
  • Indices and ranges *
  • Nullable reference types *
  • Asynchronous streams *

Add On Answer: 

  • C# 8 is fully supported in .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Standard 2.1
  • C# 8 is partially supported in .NET Frameworks 4.8 (*). But it will be fully supported in the up coming .NET 5.
  • C# 8 compiler exists Visual Studio 2019 v16.3 and above

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