Friday, October 27, 2006

BLOG: FF2 vs IE7

Today downloaded both and installed both. Both are impressive. There are a few Add-Ons which impressed me. .  CoolIris preview - which auto load the page when you hover the links. Clipmarks is pretty good. Yoono give you more interesting related sites. Foxmarks keep a sync your favorites with server.


IE7 is pretty impressive as well and you can put add-ons as well. I found it is pretty sneaky. But clipmarks doesnt support the IE7 now. IE7 has many really cool features, such as RSS page. FlashGet is a surprise. You can set google as search provider. And the one I like most the research which could provide you with an easy way to look up word.

I also installed PowerToy of windows XP which provide a bunch of stuff for XP. The one I like most is the ClearType tuning which makes the text much readable in the screen. IE7 has this as well. It has a very powerful calculator and conversion. You can make slideshow HTML as well.

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