Monday, December 15, 2008

WiX 3.0 Integration with VS 2005 or 2008

Here are some good things about WiX3.0 I found out. The WiX 3.0 is supported on both VS2005 and VS2008. We could setup both VS2005 and VS2008 solution to include WiX 3.0 project, or *.wixproj file. I have VS2005 and VS2008 installed on my local and I can edit the WiX project in either of them.

Cool thing to specify output file in GUI and you don't need to remember candle and light any more. Now it is much either to support pre-build and post-build events like normal .NET projects. If you have noticed that in order to replace the Version in the MSI I actually used the pre-build to replace and used post-build to restore the original file.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 + CodeRush XPress 3.2.1 = Awesome

I happened to use Eclipse before and I can understand why someone will be disappointed to use Visual Studio as per C# editor features. But after I started to use Visual Studio 2008 with CodeRush XPress 3.2.1, I am really impressed that Microsoft has been catching up in terms of the editor part with the partnership with CodeRush. It is definitely a Free Productivity Tools for Visual Studio.

Check it out here:

Handy shortcuts:

F12 to definition. Ctrl + Shift + 7/ 8 get back.
Shift + F12 : Find all references

Metadata as source
Ctrl + Tab ===== Ctrl Alt Down
Sourcecode outliner power liner

Quick Information
CodeRush Xpress

Quick Navigate
Go to file: Ctrl+Alt +F
Go to symbol: Ctrl+Shift+Q
Highlight usages: Ctrl +Alt +U

Code snippets
-Double tab to build the static

Ctrl .

Ctrl+ '

SP Background Squiggles

Camel-Case navigation
Alt+ Left and Alt Right

Expand /Shrink Selection
Ctrl+Alt+= / Ctrl+Alt+-

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Lap Around VSTS 2010

This is the gist for the a lap around VSTS 2010.
  • No more no Repro
    • Test Recorder
    • Stack-trace for exceptions
  • No more broken builds
    • Gated build
    • Buddy build
  • No more butterfly effects
    • Layers for build
    • Architecture Explorer
    • Sequence Diagram
  • No more regression test
  • Build
    • Workflow for build definition
Other videos


Microsoft Visual Studio Team System: Software Diagnostics and Quality for Services


Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Team Foundation Server: How We Use it at Microsoft


Agile Development with Microsoft Visual Studio


Architecture without Big Design Up Front


Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability


Microsoft Visual Studio Team System: Leveraging Virtualization to Improve Code Quality with Team Lab


Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Database Edition: Overview


Visual Studio Team System: A Lap Around VSTS 2010 (Strongly recommended)


Research: Contract Checking and Automated Test Generation with Pex


Team Foundation Server 2010: Cool New Features


Improving Code Quality with Code Analysis


Panel: The Future of Unit Testing

PowerShell Free Editor - PowerGUI

You can download from here PowerGUI.

Common Commands

Get-Command Get*

Get-Command -Name Get-PSDrive -Syntax

Get-Help about*

Get-Alias Set-Alias

Get-ChildItemPath C:\Windows\System32 Out-Host –paging

Remove-Item C:\temp\New.Directory –Recurse

Invoke-Item C:\boot.ini

Copy-Item -Path C:\New.Directory -Destination C:\temp -Recurse -Force –Passthru

Get-Process Get-Member -MemberType Properties Out-Host –Paging

Get-Process Format-Table


Set-Location -Path c:\Windows –PassThru

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace root/cimv2 -ComputerName . Get-Member -MemberType Property

New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.EventLog -ArgumentList Application

New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network

New-Object -ComObject Scripting.Dictionary

New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject


Where-Object –FileterScript ($_.Value -lt 3)

ForEach-Object –Process ()

Sort-Object –Property –Descending


Rem ---- List MSI

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName . Format-Wide -Column 1

Rem ---- To install MSI

(Get-WMIObject -ComputerName PC01 -List Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Product"}).InvokeMethod("Install","\\AppSrv\dsp\NewPackage.msi")

Rem ---- To uninstall MSI

(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='ILMerge'" -ComputerName . ).InvokeMethod("Uninstall",$null)

Be A Developer That Uses AI

Developers will not be replaced by AI, they'll be replaced by developers that use AI. Generative AI tools are revolutionizing the way de...