I want to write readable code like below to handle different sub types. Let’s say if I want to take a shower for my pets. Depending on the pet type, I will like to handle it differently. As you can tell, if statements can do the work but it will be very messy. I would like to use switch statement. However, C# compiler doesn’t want to get into this business. That’s alright. I will like to do it myself. Here is a clean solution. The ultmiate code is very easy to read. No if statements. Zero. None. Nil. There are 3 simple steps.
myPet.Switch() .Case<Dog>(x => HandleDog(x)) .Case<Cat>(x => HandleCat(x)) .Case<Parrot>(x => HandleParrot(x)) .Default<Pet>(x => HandleDefault(x));
Step 1: Create a Switch class.
public class Switch { public Switch(object o) { Target = o; } public object Target { get; set; } }
Step 2: Create extension methods to support fluent API, supporting, predict, fall through, and default.
public static class SwitchExtensions { public static Switch Case<T>(this Switch switcher, Action<T> action) where T : class { return Case(switcher, o => true, action, false); } public static Switch Case<T>(this Switch switcher, Action<T> action, bool fallThrough) where T : class { return Case(switcher, o => true, action, fallThrough); } public static Switch Case<T>(this Switch switcher, Func<T, bool> predicate, Action<T> action) where T : class { return Case(switcher, predicate, action, false); } public static Switch Case<T>(this Switch s, Func<T, bool> predicate, Action<T> action, bool fallThrough) where T : class { if (s == null) { return null; } var t = s.Target as T; if (t == null) { return s; } if (!predicate(t)) { return s; } action(t); return fallThrough ? s : null; } public static void Default<T>(this Switch switcher, Action<T> action) where T : class { if (switcher == null) { return; } var t = switcher.Target as T; if (t == null) { return; } action(t); } }Step 3: Finally, add an extension method for System.Object so that any object can call Switch() method.
public static class ObjectSwitchExtensions { public static Switch Switch(this object Object) { return new Switch(Object); } }