Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kudos for JetBrains - TeamCity Notification

I have been used quite a few of source control systems and build systems, such as ClearCase, CVS, SubVersion, CruiseControl, GitHub, and Team Foundation Server.

TeamCity is a new one for me. But I always know JetBrains will always have some great products, just like ReSharper which is one of my core tool-set. TeamCity supports both Java and .NET software development teams and integrates with the most popular VCSs, IDEs and development frameworks to ensure a smooth and stable development workflow.

I am most impressed by how easy it is to setup and how many build notifications TeamCity supports. Kudos to JetBrains.
It supports Windows system tray notifications;

It also supports RSS so I can read from my RSS reader.

Thumbs Up to GitHub Copilot and JetBrains Resharper

Having used AI tool GitHub Copilot since 08/16/2023, I’ve realized that learning GitHub Copilot is like learning a new framework or library ...