Event: Are Fixed Price and Agile Mutually Exclusive?
Date: Mon, May 7th, 12:00 PM
Location: Fifth Avenue Place Conference Room 420 - 2nd Street S W Calgary, AB
Speaker: Gerard Meszaros, Chief Scientist, ClearStream Consulting
Sponsor: Clearstream Consulting
Calgary Agile Project Leaders Network
This is a pretty interesting meeting. The speaker is from ClearStream. But the sponsers are huge, like Quardrus, online business systems, CDL systems, Netellers, and Agile Recruiting. http://www.calgaryapln.org/sponsors
FPFS - Fix Price Fix Scope.
T&M - Time and Material project
Split FPFS contract with two contracts: first project with T&M either fix the scope or fix the price. Then the customer would get known the venders, and vendors would better understand the scope.
Fixed price - Variable scope.
Target price - Variable scope.
Toyota's contracts with suppliers are target price projects. With target project, suppliers could figure out bigger profit margins and Toyota would also get lower prices with parts.