Tuesday, May 22, 2007

70-528 Notes [3]

http://fiddlertool.com is really cool debug tool
    • cassini is the standalone server.

HttpApplication->IHttpHandler (HttpContext)

<add verb="*" path="*.xml" type="TypeName, Assembly" />

Aspx inherits from System.Web.UI.Page
implements IHttpHandler



Demand Compilation:
CodeFile is Page directive to autocompile
App_Code is to

bin is precompiled.

Business Data of Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 (MOSS)

Answer: Sharepoint Portal Server (SPS) as been renamed in 2007 to Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 (MOSS). The new name also include the old Content Management Server (CMS).

BDC - Business Data Catalog

SharePoint to consume the data from:
- BizTalk
- Database
- Siebel

Business Data Column
- One Column type that stores any entity
- One-click refresh
- Integrates with list fieatures: workflow, versioning,

Business Data Web Parts

- For display
- For indexing

Key Objects
- System
- Entity
- Method
- Association

Action is just a URL associated with an

SPS (Sharepoint Portal Server)
CMS (Content Management Server)

changed renamed
2007 MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server)

Answer: Here is a link to the feature comparisons:

BDC Meta Man

Monday, May 07, 2007

APLN meeting - FPFS or M&S

Event: Are Fixed Price and Agile Mutually Exclusive?
Date: Mon, May 7th, 12:00 PM
Location: Fifth Avenue Place Conference Room 420 - 2nd Street S W Calgary, AB
Speaker: Gerard Meszaros, Chief Scientist, ClearStream Consulting
Sponsor: Clearstream Consulting

Calgary Agile Project Leaders Network


This is a pretty interesting meeting. The speaker is from ClearStream. But the sponsers are huge, like Quardrus, online business systems, CDL systems, Netellers, and Agile  Recruiting. http://www.calgaryapln.org/sponsors


FPFS - Fix Price Fix Scope.

T&M - Time and Material project


Split FPFS contract with two contracts: first project with T&M either fix the scope or fix the price. Then the customer would get known the venders, and vendors would better understand the scope.


Fixed price - Variable scope.

Target price - Variable scope.


Toyota's contracts with suppliers are target price projects. With target project, suppliers could figure out bigger profit margins and Toyota would also get lower prices with parts.


Thumbs Up to GitHub Copilot and JetBrains Resharper

Having used AI tool GitHub Copilot since 08/16/2023, I’ve realized that learning GitHub Copilot is like learning a new framework or library ...